Support portal




Career Services

Career centre NWU

Bursaries and loans

  1. Undergraduate 
  2. NWU postgraduate bursary scheme 
  3. External bursaries

Distance students

International students

Protection Services 

Protection services NWU

Other resources: 

Undergraduate studies: 

Undergraduate students registration, module and qualification changes 

Financial Instant information

Honours studies and post graduate diplomas: 

Masters and Doctoral studies:

Higher degrees (master’s degree and doctoral studies) admission 

Crises helplines (24-hour phone-in service for any crises)

Mahikeng Campus: 

  • The crisis-line number on Mahikeng Campus is only available through Protection Services:
    • +27 (0)18 389 2277
    • +27 (0)18 389 2167

Potchefstroom Campus 

  • For any crisis, please call Thuso 1777:
  • +27 (0)18 299 1777

Vanderbijlpark Campus

  • Thuso 24-hour crisis centre:
  • +27 (0)82 815 9781
  • LifeLine: +27 (0)16 428 1640 / +27 (0)861 322 322


The mental health initiative for the HIGHER HEALTH 24-hour student and staff helpline can be accessed as follows: 

  • Toll-free call 0800 36 36 36
  • SMS 43336