Start your academic journey at the NWU with a mindset for academic success and remember that your first-year experience does not end when Orientation is over. This is why the Center for Teaching and Learning developed the 1st Year Navigator. Your gateway to academic success. The 1st Year Navigator releases just-in-time, essential academic information, such as academic pointers, at the start of, and at key moments during the 2024 academic year.
How to access your gateway to academic success
Step 1: Log in to efundi
You can access eFundi from:
- The NWU’s homepage. Google NWU or type www.nwu.ac.za in your browser.
- Going to eFundi directly by entering the URL into your internet browser: efundi.nwu.ac.za
To log in, click on the Login button at the top right of the screen. Enter your NWU student number as username and your NWU password.
Reminder: If you do not know how to navigate eFundi, it is advisable that you complete the 1st year eFundi course.
Step 2: Access the 1st Year Navigator
- Once you have logged in to eFundi, the sites you are linked to are displayed as buttons across the top of the screen, below the purple bar
- Click on the
module/course button
- You have accessed the 1st Year Navigator eFundi homepage. Start exploring by selecting a topic on the left hand side of the screen
FAQ's about the First-year Navigator
Do you have a question regarding the 1st Year Navigator? Take a look at our Student FAQ section.
Q. How will I benefit from using the 1st Year Navigator?
We remember how confusing and overwhelming the first few months at university can be. You may wonder what this new journey in your life will bring. How will you fit in? What if you find it too challenging academically? What if you become homesick? These are only some of the questions that you may be asking yourself at the moment. We also know that your first year experience does not end when Orientation does and that at various moments during your first academic year, you may experience specific challenges. We therefore designed the 1st Year Navigator to release information at key moments throughout the year to support your academic success.
Q. What information is made available on the 1st Year Navigator?
An introduction to all the programmes the Student Academic Development and Support (SADS) unit has in place to help you achive your academic goals, such as:
- Individual academic advising to develop your can develop your time management and note making skills, study methods and memorising techniques or to help you get back on track should you, at any time, feel overwhelmed by your studies.
- Academic peer mentoring where you can benefit from the personal experiences of successful senior students who also recently transitioned successfully to university life.
- Reading development and support to develop your reading speed and comprehension to cope with the great deal of reading that is required at university.
- Supplemental Instruction for students who want to improve their understanding of learning material in a group setting.
- Tutoring to embed deep learning in a small group setting.
2. A monthly "Academic Essentials Toolkit" with academic tips, trick and hacks (in the form of infographics, podcasts and videos) based on key moments in your 2022 academic journey. In February we will be focusing on what you can expect from higher education, the importance of planning and time management to manage your workload, key teaching and learning terms used at university and adjusting to university by understanding the difference between school and university.
3. "Find your faculty" helps you to connect to your faculty. It also provides video resources with top tips from students who succeeded academically in your particular faculty. We share the habits of successful students within specific faculties, as well as provide you with quick access to your faculty orientation programme.
4. Because SADS is commited to help you achieve your academic goals, we provide links to extra support offered by the NWU. We realise that you may sometimes need other types of assistance, not only academic support and development. To ensure your total wellbeing, the 1st Year Navigator also alerts you support services aimed at developing your optimal wellness potential.
Q. What is Student Academic Development and Support?
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (better known as CTL) is a teaching and learning support department of the NWU. CTL includes the Student Academic Development and Support Unit (better known as SADS). We have an entire team of dedicated SADS professionals who focus exclusively on supporting you!
Q. Can I ask a question on the 1st Year Navigator?
Please go to the chat rooms on this eFundi site, and post your question (about your studies or your transition to university). This eFundi site is monitored by academic peer mentors, and they will, to the best of their ability, answer your questions in the chat or via the eFundi message tool (pop up message on each page).
Q. What does the buttons on the left hand side mean?
Meet your SADS partners.
An introduction to SADS support programmes and opportunities
A monthly "Academic Essentials Toolkit" with academic tips, trick and hacks
Top tips and habits to succeed a particular faculty. Links to faculty orientation programmes.
Quick links to extra academic and optimal wellness support offered by the NWU.
You are not alone
Academic Pointers
Download some of the academic pointers that are made available on the First Year Navigator HERE:
Yoe not alone!
First-year Experience Coordinators
Please contact your campus coordinator for more information:
Mahikeng Campus

Mrs Anna Motlogi
018 389 2204
Building A3, Block C, Office G65
Vanderbijlpark Campus

Ms Jani Kuhn
016 910 3680
Building A14, Split level 3, Office SL322