Most university courses require a great deal of reading and students with well-developed reading skills find it easier to cope with the demands of higher education.
The Reading Development Centre provides reading enrichment with a fully online reading programme that builds reading fluency (learning to read at a fast pace while maintaining excellent comprehension). We use the Achieve3000 reading development programme to enhance core academic language skills. Advanced competency development is also available to senior students who want to brush up on their reading proficiency.
The programme is available both online and face-to-face. To enrol, scroll down and click the SIGN UP button.
"As a first-year student I would like to thank the reading lab. I struggled at first and could not read quickly, but made good progress through the reading lessons."
(Reading speed tripled and comprehension doubled in three months.)
"Well, I am grateful. The reading lessons have improved my reading speed. "
(Reading speed improved from 85words per minute to 280+, with 90%+ comprehension, within two months)
Reading Centre Coordinators