Welcoming element

Welcoming element
A socially cohesive and culturally inclusive environment where all students and staff are welcome and comfortable.
Inclusive element

Inclusive element
Building an achievement orientated environment where diversity is celebrated and diverse talents are recognized, integrated and utilised.
Enabling element

Enabling element
A supportive and empowering learning experience in an environment that promotes academic excellence and offers equitable services and facilities to staff and students across all campuses.
Culture Statement
To achieve our NWU Dream we actively build a welcoming, inclusive and enabling culture among staff and students underpinned by behaviours congruent to commitment to social justice, diversity and an ethic of care.
NWU Values and Values-Driven Behaviour
Caring and inclusive

Caring and inclusive
We consider the well-being of all our students and staff, and act in an inclusive and caring manner towards our NWU community.
Embracing Diversity

Embracing Diversity
We build an inclusive university community that embraces differences and respects the rights and dignity of its members.

We conduct ourselves and our business in an open manner; communicating clearly and truthfully in co-creating our NWU Dream.
Excellence in all endeavours

Excellence in all endeavours
We strive for the achievement of high quality standards in everything we do to meet our personal, university, community and societal expectations.
Ethics in all endeavours

Ethics in all endeavours
We display and maintain a commitment to integrity, being honest and treating all people in a fair and consistent manner.
Responsibility and accountability

Responsibility and accountability
We take ownership of our actions and their consequences, and remain committed towards solving challenges and harnessing opportunities.
Academic Freedom and Freedom of Research

Academic Freedom and Freedom of Research
We promote and protect freedom of thought and expression through teaching and learning and research.