IT Student Services

IT Student Services Catalogue

 Computer Room Workstation Bookings

This service provides a means for students to book individual workstations in the computer rooms on campus.

Each student is able to book two one hour sessions per day seven days in advance.  The two one hour sessions may be consecutive.

 HPC (High Performance Computing)

This service provides the means to compute extensive parallelized mathematical computations on a large dataset.


The Internet service enables the user to access the Internet from any network access point with a valid ip address on the default “web-based” network ports: 80 and 443.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is also allowed via the proxy.

 Network Cables

This service provides network cables.

 NWU Templates for Postgraduates

This service provides an MS Word Postgraduate and Proposal template for creating a Dissertation/Mini Dissertation or Proposal.

 Password Management

During the registration period at NWU a default password is created for each staff member and student. Your primary password is either your ID number or passport number followed by @Nwu, e.g., 12345667890123@Nwu
For international students (including students from Namibia) this password consist of passport number followed by @Nwu, e.g., 123456789@Nwu

ATT: Staff & Students - this primary password will expire within two weeks. Therefore please change your default password before then.

For password holders that have already registered

Your password will be the same for all CAS systems (e.g., eFundi, e-mail, MS Office 365 suite, NOT VSS PASSWORD.) If you password expires (after 90 days), you will have to reset your password by clicking on change password, or forgotten password.



 PC Lab Virtualisation (Citrix)

The strategic goal of Citrix Desktop Virtualisation (click for a quick overview) is twofold: firstly to provide convenient, anywhere, anytime access on almost any device to NWU staff and students,  and secondly to extend the life of physical PC labs by offloading demanding computing tasks to a central system that is more capable than the individual workstations

Citrix allows you to connect to a Virtual Desktop from almost any recent device with internet access. Students have access to an "All-purpose Lab Desktop" with mostly the same software as can be found in the physical PC labs, while Staff have access to a "Staff Desktop" which has access to network drives.


This service provides secure printing on the NWU network printers.

Staff and Guests use the printers situated in their departments.

Students have access to printers situated in computer rooms and libraries on their campus.

 Remote Support Software AnyDesk

This is the standard NWU Remote connection program and can be loaded on any device regardless if private property or NWU owned.

 ResNAC (Residence Network Access)

This service enables students to access the NWU Network from the pre-installed network point in their residence rooms.

 Student Registrations

Students are automatically registered on the NWU network and provided with a NWU number when they register on the Student System .

When students log into the NWU network for the first time, their password is their RSA ID number or passport number.

 Students: Data Storage & Recovery

NWU students are assigned the following storage options when registered as a student at the NWU: (Students)




Google Workspace

Cloud storage

1 GB

MS Outlook Primary mailbox 1 GB
MS Outlook Online/In-Place archive 99 GB

Storage is only available while a student is an active student of the NWU.

The following conditions apply when using the NWU cloud environment:

  • It is the student's responsibility to back up the data stored in any NWU cloud environment.
  • In Outlook, the automatic archiving policy is applied to all mailboxes.  The automatic archiving policy is a process designed to help manage storage limitations by moving older email items to the Online or In-Place Archive. Here’s how this works:

    Any email older than 3 months will be automatically moved to the Online/In-place Archive mailbox. This reduces the load on your primary mailbox while ensuring the items are still accessible.

  • When a student graduates or leaves the University, it is the student's responsibility to backup data on personal storage and take it along.


 WiFi (Wireless Network for Mobile Computing)

This service provides mobile access to the NWU Network.

IT Student Software Catalogue

 Antivirus Software

Microsoft's antivirus software provides protection of Windows workstations against virus attacks and malware intrusions.  Microsoft Defender is used for Windows 10 and Windows 11.


This service is a web-based eLearning, collaboration and research management system. It is designed to help lecturers and researchers create many different courses and project sites with varying levels of complexity.

eFundi offers a broad spectrum of features, including tools for:

  • administration,
  • assessments & assignments,
  • communication,
  • voting for your favourite lecturer (twice per year),
  • sharing resources and,
  • collaborative learning.

The Tools can be individually selected, added, or removed based on each site's specific requirements or needs.

 Microsoft 365

This service provides Microsoft Office 365.  Enjoy a full, installed Office experience across PCs, Macs, Windows tablets and iPad® and Android™ tablets, and most mobile devices. Each user can install Office on 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets/phones.

Important note: From October 2024 Microsoft implemented Multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your Microsoft 365 account.