Cyber Security News

Ensuring Cybersecurity Vigilance During the Festive Season





Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Stay vigilant, stay hopeful, and stay secure.… read more

Phishing emails 2022: Learn how to spot deceptive requests online and take recommended steps.

Avoid and report phishing emails

Learn how to spot deceptive requests online and take recommended steps.… read more

How to break the cycle! "The reality is that we’re all constantly under attack from cybercriminals and the proof is in your inbox."

"Despite the great strides the world has made in the fight against spam, as of 2018 Cisco Talos reports spam makes up 85% of all daily email, with most originating in the United States, followed… read more

Beware of Phishing emails - Take note of the examples for identification purposes.

This would indicate that you are a victim of a social engineering attack and phishing, please be very careful and weary which sites and email links you follow or which attachments you open, as in… read more

Phishing: What to look out for

" Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive… read more

Computer Security: Steps you can take to protect yourself

"Scammers, hackers and identity thieves are looking to steal your personal information - and your money. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself, like keeping your computer software… read more

Cyber Security #4 - Phishing

Phishing attacks continue to pose a significant security threat because they are effective—particularly targeted phishing attacks like… read more

Cyber Security #3 - Secure computing with VPN

Mobile devices have become one of the primary ways we communicate and interact with each other. The power of a computer is now at our fingertips, allowing us to bank, shop, view medical history,… read more

Cyber Security #2 - Guard your privacy online

Practice good online safety habits with these tips and advice:

Keep a clean machine. Protect your personal information. Connect with care. Be web wise. Be a good online citizen.

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Cyber Security #1 - Secure Your Mobile Device

With an increasing amount of sensitive data being stored on personal devices, the value and mobility of smartphones, tablets, and laptops make them appealing and easy targets. These simple tips… read more

What is phishing emails?

Phishing is a scam where e-mail is sent to people to fool them into revealing private information that can be used for identity theft.  In this video, you will learn about Phishing and how to… read more

Stop Ransomware

"Ransomware is a type of attack that encrypts your computer, phones, or mobile devices. Hackers will then demand that you pay a ransom to regain access to your information. Once a device is… read more

Online Cyber Security Advice

The internet is a shared resource, and securing it is Our Shared Global Responsibility.

Your usernames and passwords are not enough to protect key accounts like… read more

Beef up your physical security

With the threat of hacking, malware, phishing, and other digital threats constantly looming, it can be easy to overlook the importance of communicating physical security. A few basic physical… read more

Cybersecurity 101 Cyber Privacy

Learn what can happen when you post information online with this video from the NOVA Cybersecurity Lab. When you upload something to a social media site, that information is stored on the website’… read more

Cybersecurity 101 Cyber Codes

Learn how encryption keeps online information private in this video from the NOVA Cybersecurity Lab. Your messages are coded by email programs and websites to prevent others from reading them.… read more

The secret life of hackers

Learn about different types of hackers with this video from the NOVA Cybersecurity Lab. Hacking is solving problems in creative or unexpected ways. Hacks have been used for everything from Galileo… read more

Cybersecurity 101

Learn why protecting your information online is crucial with this video from the NOVA Cybersecurity Lab. The Internet was originally designed to connect large computers at universities, businesses… read more

Watch out for the "Con Game"

A social engineer runs what used to be called a "con game." Techniques such as appeal to vanity, appeal to authority and appeal to greed are often used in social engineering attacks. Many social… read more

Ransomware: isn’t going away any time soon!

A Closer Look: Ransomware Statistics 2016 – 2017

Ransomware emails spiked 6,000%  A study by IBM Security found that the numberof ransomware-infected
emails increased 6,000 percent… read more

Phishing Scams Even Fool Tech Nerds— Here’s How to Avoid Them

You know not to click on links in sketchy emails

Everybody knows that. And yet, people fall for these phishing attacks all the time. Case in point: The FBI suspects a phishing email is how the… read more

Securing mobile devices

Mobile devices have become one of the primary ways we communicate and interact with each other. The power of a computer is now at our fingertips, allowing us to bank, shop, view medical history,… read more

IT CARES about your CYBER safety!

We are all familiar with viruses, but have you ever heard of phishing, identity theft or ransomware?  These are all terms used to describe issues related to IT Security.
Read more on our IT… read more