Meet our new IT Director Service Delivery





Background and Introduction

What inspired you to join NWU?

The idea on paper presented by NWU and what you experience on the ground made me realise it is not about what is reported on stats. NWU IT is really trying to do things that are world class and as a result, i understood they were speaking the language which I need established as the legacy I want to leave is matched. We are delighted to introduce Thato Timothy Lehutso, Director of IT Services, responsible for delivering excellent customer service across three campuses.

Let's delve deeper into the factors that inspire and propel Thato. As he explain how he will support the following:

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Alignment with 4IR

I’ll need to assess how the IT training provided to staff aligns with the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). I'll consider incorporating emerging technologies, digital transformation, and data-driven approaches.

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Expectations and Goals

  • Short-term: Set clear expectations for the team’s performance, communication, and collaboration.
  • Long-term: Foster growth, innovation, and continuous improvement within the organisation.

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Communication Preferences

  • One-on-ones are the best, followed by virtual meetings based on our realities that I lead a team of people disbursed geographically where meeting physically may not be feasible.
  • Effective communication updates: Regular team meetings, newsletters, or project status reports via an up-to-date dashboard so we are all on the same page.

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Team Dynamics and Culture

  • Value collaboration, trust, and respect among team members.
  • Envision a positive team culture that encourages creativity, inclusivity , and mutual support.hesitate to discuss these messages with trusted friends, family, or authorities. A second opinion can provide clarity and guidance.

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Challenges and Opportunities

  • Challenges: Identify IT governance, transformation, and disaster recovery planning obstacles.
  • Opportunities: Leverage technological advancements, research, and collaboration to drive positive change.

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Building Relationships

  • Strengthen relationships within my team and foster cross-departmental collaboration.
  • Encourage open communication and teamwork.

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Feedback and Improvement

  • Be receptive to feedback from team members and stakeholders. I continuously seek ways to enhance processes and outcomes.

Leadership Style


Describe your leadership style. Are you collaborative, visionary, or results-oriented?

  • I am collaborative as I understand no man is an island and that your leadership style depends on the task, individual, and organisational lead, emphasizing that you are as good as your weakest link. You need to help the people on the ground understand where we are going as an institution and that if they know how the university's vision depends on their work, they will proudly contribute to where we are going.

Are there any guiding principles or philosophies that shape your leadership approach?

  • Each person has a leadership style that will work for them. The one blanket approach only applies to leaders who must recognise that leadership is used based on the situation. If you can quickly realise what leadership style is required based on the individual and task, you are more likely to succeed in steering your subordinates on where they need to be led.