National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) is held every October. This year’s overarching message – Own IT. Secure IT. Protect IT. – will focus on key areas including citizen privacy, consumer devices, and e-commerce security.
"All a hacker needs is your user id. Most of us use our email address another mistake,in less than 10 minutes he could be invading your email account. Most likely you used the same password for your other accounts, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter etc. The technical Term for what happens hereis account takeover, the second problem is using names of Parents, pets, locations, cities. These all can be found in Dictionary lists which is pre computed password hashes. The most common used passwords.But what can you as a computer user do ? Passwords become more complex to guess with 10 or more characters, making it difficult for the attacker to brute force a password an attack which will always succeed given enough time. For Example a password of abcdefg 7 characters takes .29 milliseconds to crack, 8 characters 5 hours, 9 characters 5 days, 10 4 months, 11 characters 1 decade. I doubt that a attacker, Hacker will stick around 1 decade to crack your password. Now we get to the interesting part Password salting an password of abcdefg will become abcdefg#$#@% adding a few special characters. But the idea is not to make your password abcdefg you can use anything that is not related to your family birth place bank account, email account. Another is to use a password generator Then theres malicious browser add ons, cookie stealing, session high-jacking but that's another discussion. " mentioned Frans Roodt, Information Technology Vaal Campus, (CHFI: Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator, CEH Certified Ethical Hacker)
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