Purchasing and/or installing AV, e-conference, CCTV and other electronic products
Please note that it is a requirement to FIRST consult IT Electronic Services (x99 4119, alex.venter@nwu.ac.za) before purchasing audio, video, e-conferencing or any other electronic equipment.
Best practices must be followed at all times - from planning to support and maintenance for offices, meeting rooms, laboratories, classrooms and all other NWU spaces.
These systems increasingly rely on IT networks. When departments attempt non-standard installations, it degrades performance elsewhere - often to the point where campus IT's are not able to assist.
According to NWU policy, only the Chief Director: IT can approve deviations from IT standards.
Aankoop en/of installering van AV, e-konferensie, CCTV en ander elektroniese produkte
Neem asseblief kennis dat dit 'n vereiste is om EERS IT-Elektroniese Dienste (x99 4119, alex.venter@nwu.ac.za) te raadpleeg voor enige oudio, video, e-konferensie of ander elektroniese produkte aangekoop word.
Beste praktyk moet ten alle tye gevolg word - van beplanning tot ondersteuning en instandhouding vir kantore, vergaderlokale, lesinglokale, laboratoriums en ander NWU ruimtes.
Hierdie produkte maak toenemend gebruik van IT-netwerkverbindings. Wanneer departemente nie-standaardinstallasie self aanpak, veroorsaak dit dat stelsels elders faal en dikwels to op só 'n vlak dat kampus-IT's nie ondersteuning kan bied nie.
Volgens NWU-beleid kan slegs die Hoofdirekteur: IT afwykings van IT-standaarde goedkeur.
Click to view more on Best Practices.