Student Passwords




The username of a registered student at the NWU is her / his NWU university number.


Important: During registration at the NWU a default password is created for each student.

  • For South African students this password consists of your South African Identity number followed by "@Nwu", e.g. 9302215067088@Nwu
  • For international students (including students from Namibia) this password consists of your passport number followed by "@Nwu", e.g. 123456789@Nwu
  • Please note the capital letter “N” in the examples above – passwords are case sensitive

This default password will expire within 2 weeks of registration. Therefore, please change your default password as soon as possible. New passwords should contain:

  • alpha-numerical characters (a..z, 0-9),
  • special characters (example #,* or ^)
  • and both capital and small letters e.g.: AbCd*902


Setup your email address