Where an approved NSFAS student has an outstanding balance on the student account upon registration, the outstanding balance is due to one or more of the following reasons:
- Outstanding payments from NSFAS of the previous year(s)
- Legitimate charges on the student account that will not be covered by NSFAS such as charges for second exam opportunities etc.
- Outstanding balance for the year(s) in which the student was not funded by NSFAS and will not be covered by NSFAS
The student will be requested to sign the AOD form online. Only upon receipt of the signed document will the student be financially clear to register.
By signing the AOD, the student acknowledges that he/she is liable for debt that will not be covered by NSFAS. The student will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies on completion of his/her studies if the above balances are not settled in the full 72 hours prior to the ceremony. The student will also not receive his/her graduation certificate or diploma.
However, the university still reserves the right to require payment before the student will be allowed to register.