Emergencies on the Potchefstroom Campus
The NWU is committed to ensuring the security, safety, and health of all students, staff, and visitors. Therefore the NWU boasts a “one of a kind” multidisciplinary emergency cluster in order to provide a swift and effective response to any emergency on campus. On-campus emergencies must be reported to the relevant service below. The appropriate emergency personnel will be activated and any communication with external services will be coordinated by our trained personnel.
- Use only the prefix “99” followed by the last four digits when dialing from an internal line
- Dial the entire number when using an external line or cell phone
Protection Services - crime and security-related emergencies
- 24-hour Control Room
- Crime and security-related emergencies
- Building F17
- Contact numbers:
- 018 299 2211
- 018 299 2215
- 018 299 1110
- Serious crime, Mr Moeketsi Lekoko (Senior Manager): +27 73 926 3518.
NWU Emergency Services - fire, medical and rescue emergencies
- 24-hour Control Room
- Fire, medical & rescue related emergencies
- Building F17
- Contact numbers:
- 018 299 2211
- 018 299 2215
- 018 299 1110
Thuso (InGryp) Psychological Crisis Line - psychological, trauma and emotionally related emergencies
- 24-hour Crisis Line
- Psychological, trauma & emotional related emergencies
- Building E14
- 018 299 1777
Health Care Centre
- Office hours
- General health services
- Building E16
- 018 299 4345
Off-campus emergencies in Potchefstroom
Students and staff who experience an emergency off-campus should contact the appropriate services listed below.
South African Police Service (Potchefstroom)
- 018 299 7477 (from cellphone)
- 018 299 7476 (from cellphone)
- 10111 (from a landline)
Tlokwe Fire and Rescue Service
- 018 293 1111
- 018 293 1122
Tlokwe Traffic Department
- 018 299 5347
- 018 299 5330
North-West Provincial Ambulance Service
- 018 462 1231 (from cellphone)
- 10177 (from a landline)
ER24 Private Ambulance Service
- 084 124
- www.er24.co.za
IMR Private Ambulance Service
018 468 5561