Outlook Web Client

Outlook Web Client

The main web client link for all staff is: https://365.ms.nwu.ac.za


You can sign-in with your normal email address:

  1. When asked to sign-in enter your personified NWU email address; or
  2. If you do not have a personified NWU email address enter your email address with your university number: Universitynumber@nwu.ac.za
  3. If you are a student enter your Universitynumber@mynwu.ac.za



Alternative Web client link:

Except for a few staff members, most staff's mailboxes are already moved tot the cloud.  When your mailbox is not moved to the cloud (this is only exceptional cases) please use the following link:

To check if your mailbox is moved to the cloud:
  • In Outlook
  • Click File
  • At Mailbox settings you will see the size of your mailbox is 50Gb.