
The Records and Administration department became part of Records, Archives and Museums in July 2017.


This department aims to manage the records of the university in an accountable, effective and efficient manner through the implementation of a records management programme that takes into account related objectives such as orderly classification of records, retention and disposal, accessibility, security and confidentiality, training and performance and quality management.


The North-West University is dependent on its records as its corporate memory to operate efficiently, consistently and productively and to account for its actions and regard records as indispensable information assets of the university.


It is furthermore the policy of the NWU to comply with the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2 of 2000 (PAIA) and the broad principles of records management that are required by the National Archives and Records Service Act, 43 of 1996 (NARS), the International Standard for Records Management (ISO15489) and the South African National Standard for Records Management (SANS 15489) together with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and any other applicable legislation.


It is the responsibility of all staff and student leadership to ensure that they keep appropriate records (as defined by the NWU file plan) of their work at the NWU and manage those records in keeping with the NWU Records Management Policy, programme, procedures and rules.


Generating/creating official NWU records


The NWU Rules for Records, Archives and Museum management creates a structured environment for the creation of records of the NWU. All official NWU records must be created on an official NWU style sheet (also called a template). It is important as the correct use of the NWU corporate identity and the minimum metadata ensure that the NWU will be able to test the integrity and authenticity of its records.


When creating a record it is the responsibility of the record owner to ensure compliance in this matter.


To implement these rules a Standard Operating Procedure is made available to all staff members to guide them in how to generate records of the NWU.


Records not created in this manner will not be regarded as official records of the NWU.


NWU file plan


The NWU developed a functional and operational file plan and disposal schedule, which organises all NWU records into subjects in a logical, process-driven manner, according to the business activities and processes at the NWU.


This File plan and disposal schedules are updated annually and published on the NWU Intranet for staff to use.


Should any external stakeholder require access to the File plan, a request may be submitted to the department (refer to the Contact Us section of the website).




Disposal is the action taken when a record reaches the prescribed retention period (as per legislation and/or NWU policy/procedures).


Disposal means either archiving records for permanent preservation OR destroying records as per the proper procedure adopted by the NWU.


A Standard Operating Procedure is made available to all staff members to ensure that NWU records are destroyed in a controlled manner.


All records must be disposed of as determined in the NWU File plan and disposal schedule by the relevant offices. These disposals are recorded to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, policies, practices and procedures.


Storage room management


In order to manage physical records in storage areas, various storage areas are available at the NWU. These are usually situated close to the relevant business entity.


It is extremely important that these storage facilities are managed in such a manner that records will be protected and secure for the retention period.


A standard operating procedure for maintaining physical storage areas is made available to staff members for this purpose..


Records Management Training


Records Management training is compulsory for all NWU staff members.


Records Management training to all NWU staff members is available from the Records, Archives and Museum division. Training dates are communicated on the NWU Intranet to all staff members.


All newly appointed staff members will be invited to such training as soon as possible after accepting employment with the University.


The training aims to equip all staff members with the skills and knowledge to ensure the proper management of information and records of the university.


E-records Management


The NWU encourages all staff members and student leadership to manage records by electronic means. e-Records are stored on various shared and individual network drives as well as the NWU Nextcloud, NWU One drive and SharePoint. 


Clear rules are set by the University Management to determined the electronic platforms that may be used, these are communicated to staff members as soon as approved as well as when any amendments are made to these rules.




Records management representatives


All line managers in their respective business entities must nominate records management representatives for these business entity. These representatives are also trained by the Records, Archives and Museum division regarding records management. These representatives are responsible for ensuring compliance with legislation and policy.


This process is communicated to staff members on an annual basis to ensure an update to the representatives are completed every year.


NWU style sheets

All official NWU documents and records must be created on the official and approved NWU stylesheets, which are available to all staff members. This ensures the correct use of the Corporate Identity (CID) and metadata of the NWU. Using these stylesheets also gives the document/records the required integrity to be evidence of the business activities of the NWU.


Standard Operating Procedures for Records Management functions and announcements


Standard Operating Procedures for all processes and sub-processes managed b the department is made available to staff members on the university intranet. These procedures are updated annually to ensure that the procedures are aligned with the latest trends and technology.