Windows 10

Microsoft released its latest version of the Windows operating system on July 29th, 2015. This edition runs on desktops, notebooks and Intel-based tablets, with the mobile version following later. IT has been testing several development releases as part of Microsoft's preview programme.  We share the following things with our NWU community.

eFundi Move

eFundi MOVE is an app being developed for eFundi. The MOVE part of the name is an acronym for Mobile Offline VErsion. The first version of eFundi MOVE is currently in pilot phase. 

ICAS System Implementation

The more than 100 qualifications offered at the NWU comprises of 5,890 modules that require constant change to keep them relevant and up to date with new developments. The modules, as well as the changes must conform to several stringent quality and legal standards, set by a number of internal and external certification bodies. To manage the average of more than 20 change proposals per month with the traditional paper-based process, became a major challenge.

What is Kuali?

The word “kuali” is of Malaysian origin, and signifies a humble kitchen wok that plays an important role in any successful kitchen. The popular slogan is “Keep your money in your Mission”.

Meet our Chief IT Director

Mr. Boeta Pretorius, newly appointed Director of IT remembers his career journey as one where he had started off as a junior lecturer at Computer Science. He confesses, that it led him to this very challenging position where he, his team of managers and everyone in IT will strive towards excellence.