Green Payslips

Gone are the days when you had to wait for your payslip to arrive via snail mail.  As from October 2015 the NWU are sending payslips electronically.

In the “snail days” payslips were printed by Nashua, folded by Finance Payroll and then sent to the postal division for distribution.  Today payslips are sent by the click of a few buttons.

Buy tool for mobile airtime improved

Buying airtime through the NWU mobile app Buy Tool is not new.  The service was established in 2014.

Students can buy airtime from Vodacom, MTN and Cell-C through the app by loading money beforehand onto their NWU-Vending “wallet”.  On entering the app a student is informed of the amount of money that is available on his/her vending wallet.  The student can then continue with the purchase process.

Make yourself @ home with eduroam

Will you be traveling soon, possibly to a participating eduroam institution? 

“eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. eduroam allows the user from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity when visiting other participating institutions by signing on with their institutions credentials.” source: