Lecture Capturing

In any modern university, it has become a core capability for lecturers to record their lectures, and use the recordings in a number of ways to enhance the teaching and learning processes. To this end, we have launched a lecture capture pilot project in 2013, specifically aimed at sustainability and affordability.

The NWU Internet

The NWU Internet

Over the last few months the NWU has experienced more than its fair share of Internet outages, or more correctly, Internet slow-downs. This has led to many questions as to why?
The major reasons are: 1) Cable theft/damage and 2) Loadshedding

Moving forward with Efundi

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Moving forward!

The NWU implemented eFundi (powered by Sakai) as a learning management system at the end of 2006. Since then the number of simultaneous users grew from a maximum of 3000 in 2013 to a maximum of 8000 in 2015. This makes eFundi the most used mission critical system at the university.