Meet the NWU’s Research Enablers
Traditionally employees in an academic organisation’s support services were seen as service providers only when it came to research projects.
Improving your Skills as Research Computing Instructor
The second South African in-person Carpentry instructor training will take place from 30 April to 2 May in Cape Town and will co-incide with the eResearch Africa Conference.
Guard your privacy when offline or traveling
IT@NWU services related to this topic is eduroam, VPN, Password Management.
DIY Service Apps now available from outside the NWU
You are now able to access the services without being on campus or connecting via VPN.
Currently the available apps are:
North-West University Becomes Software and Data Carpentry’s first African Partner
In November 2014 the first large-scale Software Carpentry event was run in South Africa as part of the eResearch Africa conference in Cape Town [1]. Since then 15 more Software, Data, and/or Library Carpentry events were run by the Southern African community across many disciplines and several institutions [2, 3, 4].