Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) Competition
Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) challenges graduate researchers at any stage of their candidature to present their projects in a 60-second, eye-catching, video. Using a pre-supplied template, entrants are tasked with developing a striking video presentation that succinctly describes their research and its potential benefits to a non-specialist audience. VYT provides graduate researchers with an opportunity to build and apply their information and digital literacy skills, ensuring they are workplace-ready, and provides institutions with an opportunity to showcase graduate research. By creating a "visual elevator pitch", students develop crucial employability skills including effective communication, information and digital literacy, and visual storytelling. They also build their awareness of open access to information and copyright.
Training dates
Topic |
Date |
Working with PowerPoint |
Principles of Graphic design and visual |
Writing succinctly for non-specialist audience |
Effective video storytelling for researchers |
Copyright, for example: keeping your entry compliant, seeking permissions, accessing expired copyright materials, existing permissions, and protecting your copyright materials |
Why Participate?
Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) challenges graduate researchers at any stage of their candidature to present their projects in a 60-second, eye-catching, video. Using a pre-supplied template, you are tasked with developing a striking video presentation that succinctly describes your research, and its potential benefits, to a non-specialist audience.
The VYT is a competition format developed by The University of Melbourne. The competition challenges graduate researchers at any stage of their candidature to present their projects in a 60- second, eye-catching, video. Using a pre- supplied template, you are tasked with developing a striking video presentation that succinctly describes your research, and its potential benefits, to a non-specialist audience.
Visualise Your Thesis is open to currently enrolled graduate researchers (i.e. students enrolled in M.Phil., Masters by Research, Ph.D. or Professional Doctorate programmes) at any stage of their candidature who are active and attending of registered VYT 2024 institutions.
Not eligible to enter VYT are:
- Honours students
- Master’s by coursework students (even if their program has a research/thesis component)
- Graduate researchers on a leave of absence (= inactive and not attending)
- Lapsed candidates
- Graduate researchers who are employed by their university who may have, or may be perceived to have, influence over the outcome, research funding or related resourcing, or an otherwise unfair advantage over the other entrants from their university.
Competition Entry Process
- Round 1: Submission of abstract and script: 31 July 2024 accompanied by an application on the attached form:
- Information session: 27 June 2024 for all interested participants
- Round 2: Panel feedback to successful entrants: 9 August 2024
- Round 3: Final submission 21 August 2024
- Date of the International Competition: 4 September 2024
- Date of the National Competition: 4 November 2024
For more information, please send an email to
Additional Information:
- Presentation template
- Entrants Pack
Contact Us
Duxi Mafolo
018 389 9035