ResearchConnect - Grant funding search tool

One of the main functions of the Research Department is to assist and coordinate Grant Applications within the NWU. To assist the Researchers looking for Grant opportunities the NWU has procured ResearchConnect, a software platform within depth search capabilities.

Access to the platform is managed through the NWU IT platform (University Central Authentication Service system - CAS).  Each employee working for the NWU can utilize the tool individually.

The software has different filters that can be set up to be specific to the user’s use. Search criteria can be saved and will then continuously search for calls or funds that meet the filtered criteria. Keywords or research disciplines can be selected and set up as the default criteria, customized to everyone’s needs.

This document serves as an introduction to Research connect and you are invited to use this platform in the search to more funding opportunities.

ResearchConnect training video

Log in

The software is accessed via any browser and can be customized to individual preferences.

Access to ResearchConnect is given via the University Central Authentication Service (CAS) system

Once you have clicked the link, a landing page will appear showing the Log in page:

Click on the tab showing: Log in via my institution

Select your Institution: Enter the name “North-West University

You will be re-directed to the NWU CAS service page

Enter your “Username” and “Password” and click “LOGIN” – the normal access platform to the NWU intranet.

You will then be logged in on the ResearchConnect software platform.

Research Connect platform


Get to know ResearchConnect and how to use it best

The software platform has different main tabs/buttons to set up your criteria.


The Home page gives a summary on your saved items and searches. It also gives an indication on the count of opportunities available.


Filter results:

Select “funds” or “calls”


Status of results:

Future:   Application window opening in the future or early-stage outline information, not yet operational or confirmed.

Open for Applications:   Currently accepting applications; either with an open application window or open on a continuous basis.

Closed to Applications:   Currently closed; but expected to re-open at a later date.


To start a new search go here or use the keyword search box to start a search using a keyword instead. You can filter your results further from the results page.


Advanced search tips:

The following query string syntax, or a combination of, can be used in the search box. Any results will use keyword(s) you have entered and match this against fund or call text fields as well as any underlying metadata.

Simple query string syntax information

Syntax Description Example
" " Search for exact keyword(s) "green energy"
- Exclude a search term from search results environmental -academic
* At the end of a keyword signifies a prefix query environment*

Signifies OR operation

This is the default action when using more than one keyword, so should only be used when compounding phrases.

clean | environmental
+ Signifies AND operation at the beginning of a keyword +clean +environmental

Select items:

Use this to select or deselect items from only this page or from the entire results set.


Selected Items:

This button will appear to indicate how many items you have selected in your results. Click to see which items have been selected and to remove any from the list.


Download Selected:

Once you have selected one or more results in the listing below, you may use this to download those items into a document to use offline or share it with workgroup members or your organisation via email.


Saved searches:

Any searches you save are listed here. You can also see searches that have been shared by a workgroup or by your organisation.


Export to calendar:

Once you have selected one or more results in the listing below, you may use this to export the related dates to an external file which can then be imported into your calendar (e.g. Outlook).



For each result listing you are able to see some basic overview information, the type of listing and the provider. Upcoming deadlines or newly listed items will also be highlighted. You can click the listing title to view more details, or choose to save, share, download or hide it.



Download individual item information into a document to use offline.



Save an individual item. You can find any saved items in saved items.



Share an item with workgroup members, your organisation colleagues or other individuals via email.


Export to calendar:

Export the related date to an external file which can then be imported into your calendar (e.g. Outlook).



Hide this item from your existing and any future searches. Hidden items can be managed in hidden items.



Download or share the latest bulletin content curated by our team of specialist researchers. You can also search for previous bulletin items or view previous bulletin editions you may have missed.


Organisation highlights:

View and manage the funds or calls your organisation wishes to highlight to other members of your organisation. You can also configure the message shown on items included in this list.


Folders menu:

Saved searches are stored here in saved items. You can also manage and create search profiles; see any items you have chosen to hide and see what workgroups you are currently a member of.


Profile Menu:

Your account details are stored here. You can also personalise the site content, sign-up for regular news & bulletin alerts and manage other global site preferences from here.


Personalise content:

Enable personalised content by selecting the areas you are interested in. This will show you more focused content on the home page, in search results, news and in curated funding related lists (funds added, latest calls and upcoming deadlines).



Reset the search criteria back to any personalised options you have defined in personalise content.



Clear the search criteria completely.



Please let us know if you experience any problems in using ResearchConnect. The suppliers can help us to resolve all the issues we might have.

For first line support the following persons can be contacted for support:

Yolanda Nxumalo:
Alfred Brishmaer:
Ben Zaaiman:

Please feel free to contact us – we want you to use this tool as often as possible!