University Capacity Development Grants

Advancing Higher Degree Qualifications of Emerging Researchers

Advancing Higher Degree Qualifications of Emerging Researchers funding is made available in support of the completion of Master's and Doctoral degrees of NWU staff members.

Target Group: full-time, permanently employed/fixed term appointments with benefits, registered for a first Master's/Doctoral degree, who has not received this previously for the same degree/level and intends to submit for examination in 2025.

Kindly note that funds will have to be spent in the funding year i.e. 2025. Unspent funds will be written back, and accounts will be closed. If this is not achievable, applications should rather be submitted in the following round (2025).

The signed application form, after obtaining all relevant signatures, should be returned to Mrs Amanda Koto before the 31st of March 2025 to be considered for the first round of awards, after which the call may be repeated depending on the availability of funds.

Emerging Researchers 2025

Contact Person: Mrs Amanda Koto ( or 018 299 4531)  






Mobility Grant for Outgoing Academic Visits to enhance research profiles

UCDG funded Outgoing Mobility grants 2025

Kindly receive this call for funding (maximum R40 000/applicant) made available in support of the enhancement of research profiles of emerging and established researchers/academic staff members - specifically to obtain / improve their NRF rating status.

Target Group: Academic staff (full-time, permanent, or fixed term with full benefits) with the intention to apply for NRF rating for the first time or for re-evaluation in the near future.

Priority will be given to individuals intending to apply for an NRF rating in the year following the funding year i.e. 2026, and who have not received the award in the recent past, after which the 2027 group will be considered, then the 2028 group etc.

The application form (which includes the guidelines on eligibility criteria, permissible and non-permissible expenses and process) is attached. All the relevant signatures should be obtained before submitting it to Research and Postgraduate support.

Please submit to before 31 March 2025. Awards letters will be issued to the priority group as/when received and scanned while others will follow from April onwards.

Mobility Grant 2025

*Contact Person: Mrs Mpe Meintjes ( or 018 299 4856)