Dr Erik Hofstee holds a Master's degree (doctorandus, cum laude) from the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands (RUG). He won a Fulbright Scholarship to Michigan State University (MSU) where he earned his second Master's degree and Ph.D. He was elected a member of the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars and has taught a broad range of courses at MSU, the RUG, the University of Utrecht as well as various South African Universities.
He established his company Exactica in 2003 in response to the high student drop-out rates and prolonged time-to-completion by students enrolled for advanced degrees. Dr. Hofstee helps postgraduate degree candidates prepare themselves to complete their Honours, Masters or PhD dissertations well and on time. His book Constructing a Good Dissertation has assisted many thousands of postgraduate students in South Africa and internationally. Dr. Hofstee also trains supervisors of postgraduate students to supervise effectively.
This is a 3-day contact session focusing on postgraduate supervision for emerging and established researchers who are currently supervising or looking to supervise M & D students. Priority will be given to first-time applicants and candidates with less than 3 years of supervision experience.
Interested applicants should forward their application forms to Mrs Amanda Koto as soon as possible to secure a space.
Workshop dates and venues
Mahikeng Campus: 26 - 28 August 2025
Please note that applicants can apply to any campus irrespective of the campus they are based in, however transportation and accommodation will be at your own expense.
Application for Workshop