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LMS Proof of Concept (POC): Two down, one to go! 

09:00 AM | Monday, 03 June 2024

The POC process is now approaching its last lap which will see our workgroups testing the Blackboard environment, commencing 3rd June 2024. Canvas and Brightspace have completed their respective POCs. Our workgroups have been working tirelessly over the past few weeks; firstly, being trained in using the different learner management systems and proceeding thereafter, with the testing of the various functionalities. Our hats off to them as this is no easy feat! The Blackboard POC will conclude on 14th June 2024. The last and most exciting part of the POC is the final comparison and feedback after all the hard work done. This will be completed by mid-July.


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New LMS project team's benchmarking initiative yields valuable insights!

The project team conducted benchmarking visits to several universities in South Africa, including the University of Pretoria, Wits University, University of Cape Town, and the University of Johannesburg. Accompanied by NWU officials, they aimed to understand the transition experiences of these universities to new Learning Management System (LMS) platforms—specifically chosen based on their agreements with the NWU's shortlisted vendors. The visits focused on transition processes, implementation lessons, support received, adoption enhancement, system integration, and best practices. These engagements fostered relationships and commitment to collaboration. The project team extends gratitude to the visited institutions for sharing insights, which will enhance project success.

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Next POC underway: Brightspace

07:45 AM | Monday, 13 May 2024

Canvas concluded its POC last week and today sees the commencement of the Brightspace POC. Our New LMS project workgroups will have an opportunity, over the next two weeks, to navigate and test the Brightspace LMS environment. Remember that the entire POC process with the three different vendors is a phased approach and each vendor will have an opportunity to provide training to the workgroups on the use of their respective solutions, over a two-week period. The New LMS project team would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to our NWU stakeholders, who form part of the workgroups, for their continued support and efforts in testing the various platforms.



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Previous News Snippets

PoC Kick-off: Canvas 29 April 2024: Training session underway - Click here to read.

Benchmarking with Universities 2 April 2024: Benchmarking with Universities - Click Here to Read

Kick-off event: POC 20 March 2024: Benchmarking with Universities - Click Here to Read

Three solutions going into the POC 20 March 2024: Benchmarking with Universities - Click Here to Read