NWU Public Artwork

The NWU has commissioned a public artwork which will be placed on the three campuses.


Acacia Tree

Why the artwork?
Commissioned by the NWU as part of the effort to create a shared character. It is replicated across the three NWU campuses.
It illustrates the University’s ideals of nation-building through integration, connection, growth, learning, and preservation.

What does the tree symbolise?

It is a representation of the Vachellia (Acacia tree) which is

  • Regarded as one of the iconic trees in Africa
  • Essential part of the ecosystem
  • Represents our commitment towards a green environment
  • The tree offers shade during the hot South African seasons
  • A conscious and aesthetic choice to leave the metal exposed to the elements and to rust naturally
  • It is anticipated that as the structure stands strong through the years it will inspire the idea of resilience and the power to overcome our own challenges in life.

Enhancement of the NWU identity

It aims to show appreciation for the university’s effort in

  • Planting the seeds of learning
  • Demonstrating of the university’s structures which give students the vital elements for growth and success
  • Symbolising our commitment to be an internationally recognised university in Africa.

The construction of basic industrial steel elements into the matrix of a tree suggests the strength of Connection and Integration.

  • Its trunk = the NWU
  • The crown (branches and leaves) = our campuses, faculties/departments and schools, staff, students, and alumni
  • Roots = Council, Senate and other governance structures.

The artist
Michele Mathison was born in 1977 in Johannesburg, South Africa. He completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Michaelis School of Fine Arts in 2000. Michele lives and works in South Africa and abroad. 



Waarom die kunswerk?
Dit is aangevra deur die NWU as deel van die poging om ʼn gedeelde karakter te skep. Dit word op al drie NWU-kampusse gerepliseer.
Dit illustreer die Universiteit se ideale van nasiebou deur integrasie, konneksie, groei, leer, en bewaring.

Wat word deur die boom gesimboliseer?

Dit is ʼn voorstelling van die Vachellia (Akasiaboom), wat

  • beskou word as een van die ikoniese bome in Afrika.
  • ʼn noodsaaklike deel van die ekosisteem is.
  • ons verbintenis tot ʼn groen omgewing verteenwoordig.
  • Die boom bied skaduwee tydens die warm Suid-Afrikaanse seisoene.
  • ʼn Bewuste en estetiese keuse is om die metaal blootgestel te laat aan die elemente en natuurlik te laat roes.
  • Daar word verwag dat namate die struktuur deur die jare sterk staan, dit die idee van veerkragtigheid sal inspireer, en die krag om ons eie uitdagings in die lewe die hoof te bied.

Bevordering van die NWU se identiteit

Die kunswerk toon waardering vir die Universiteit se pogings m.b.t.

  • Die plant van die sade van leer.
  • Demonstrasie van die Universiteit se strukture wat dieselfde lewegewende elemente aan studente verleen vir groei en sukses.
  • Simbolisering van ons verbintenis om ʼn internasionaal erkende universiteit in Afrika te wees.

Die konstruksie van basiese industriëlestaalelemente in die matriks van ʼn boom suggereer die krag van verbondenheid en integrasie.

  • Sy stam = die NWU.
  • Die kroon (takke en blare) = ons kampusse, fakulteite/departemente en skole, personeel, studente, en alumni.
  • Wortels = Raad, Senaat en ander korporatiewebestuurstrukture.

Die kunstenaar
Michele Mathison is in 1977 in Johannesburg, Suid-Afrika, gebore. Hy het in 2000 ʼn Baccalaureus in Beeldende Kunste aan die Michaelis Skool vir Beeldende Kunste voltooi. Michele woon en werk in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland.


Setlhare sa Mokala

Go reng botaki?
Tiro e e laetswe ke Yunibesiti jaaka karolo ya go tlhola pharologantsho e e tshwanang. Bo boeleditswe go kgabaganya dikhampase tse tharo tsa NWU.
E supa dikgopolo tsa yunibesiti tsa kagosetšhaba ka nyalelano, kgolagano, kgolo, go ithuta le go boloka.

Ke eng se setlhare se se supang?

Ke kemedi ya Vachellia (Setlhare sa mokala) e e leng
•    Malebana le nngwe ya ditlhare tse di tumileng tsa Aforika.
•    Karolo e e botlhokwa ya tikologo.
•    Bo emela boineelo ba rona go ya re lebile tikologo e tala.
•    Setlhare se neelanang ka moriti mo ditlheng tse di mogote tsa Aforikaborwa.
•    Tlhopho e e kelotlhoko le botlhajana ya go tlogela tshipi e senogile mo dikarolong le go rusa ka tlholego.
•    Tsholofelo ya gore fa moago o ntse o eme go ya le dingwaga, o tla tlhotlheletsa monagano le maatla a go fenya dikgwetlho tsa botshelo.

Tokafatso ya boitshupo ba NWU

E ikaeletse go bontsha tebogo go matsapa a yunibesiti mo:

  • Jalong ya dipeo tsa thuto.
  • Tshupetsong ya dithulaganyo tsa yunibesiti e e nayang baithuti dintlha tsa botlhokwa tsa kgolo le katlego.
  • Sesupong sa boineelo ba rona go nna yunibesiti e e lemogwang boditšhabatšhaba mo Aforika.

Kago ya motheo wa dikarolo tsa bodirelo tsa tshipi go nna seka-setlhare go akantsha maatla a kgolagano le nyalelano.

  • Kutu ya sona = NWU.
  • Serwalo (dikala le matlhare) = dikhampase tsa rona, magoro a thuto/ mafapha le dikolo, badiri, baithuti, le baithutimmogo ba maloba.
  • Medi = Lekgotla, Senete le le tlhomang melao le dithulaganyo tsa mafapha a mangwe.


Michele Mathison o bonwe ka 1977 kwa Gauteng, Aforikaborwa. O feditse Dikerii tsa gagwe tsa Bachelara ya Botswerere ba Botaki kwa Michaelis School of Fine Arts ka 2000. Michele o phelela mme o direla mo Aforikaborwa le kwa moseja.


Sefate sa Acacia

Ke hobaneng ha ho entswe ditshwantsho?

O laetswe ke Yunivesithi e le karolo ya ho theha boitsebiso bo arolelanwang. E kopitswa ho phatlalla le dikhempase tse tharo tsa NWU.
Se bontsha merero ya yunivesithi ya ho aha setjhaba ka ho kopanya, ho hokahanya, kgolo, ho ithuta le ho boloka.

Sefate se tshwantshetsa eng?

Ke setshwantsho sa Vachellia (sefate sa Acacia) e leng

  • Ho nkwa e le se seng sa difate tse ikgethang Afrika.
  • Karolo ya bohlokwa ya tikoloho.
  • E emetse boitlamo ba rona mabapi le tikoloho e tala.
  • Sefate se fana ka moriti dinakong tse tjhesang tsa Afrika Borwa.
  • Kgetho e hlokolosi le e ntle ya ho siya tshepe e pepesehetse ho dielemente le ho ba mafome ka tlhaho.
  • Ho lebeletswe hore ha sebopeho se ntse se le matla ho theosa le dilemo se tla kgothatsa mohopolo wa ho ba le mamello le matla a ho hlola mathata a rona bophelong.

Ntlafatso ea boitsebiso ba NWU

O ikemiseditse ho bontsha kananelo bakeng sa boiteko ba yunivesithi ho jala peo ya ho ithuta.

  • Pontsho ya dibopeho tsa yunivesithi tse fang baithuti dintlha tsa bohlokwa bakeng sa kgolo le katleho.
  • Ho bontsha boitlamo ba rona ba ho ba yunivesithi e amohelwang ke matjhaba Afrika.

Ho hahwa ha disebediswa tsa tshepe tsa indasteri ka hara matrix a sefate ho fana ka maikutlo a matla a ho hokahanya le ho kopanya.

  • Kutu ya yona = NWU.
  • Moqhaka (makala le mahlaku) = dikhempase tsa rona, difakhalthi /mafapha le dikolo, basebetsi, baithuti le baithuti ba kgale.
  • Metso = Lekgotla, Senate le mekgatlo e meng ya puso.

Michele Mathison o hlahile ka 1977 Johannesburg, Afrika Borwa. O qetile lengolo la Bachelor of Fine Arts Michaelis School of Fine Arts ka 2000. Michele o dula le ho sebetsa Afrikaborwa le kantle ha naha.


Walk in the shadows of the NWU Tree routes

“The true meaning of life, Wesley, is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

This quote, attributed to Nelson Henderson, a pioneer of the Swan River Valley in Canada, during a conversation with his son, emphasises the importance of leaving a legacy.

The saying is appropriate for the NWU which has embarked on projects to celebrate our natural heritage by developing tree routes and walks, and also planting new trees that will live on for generations to come.


Routes are taking root
Prof Stefan Siebert from Botany says the staff and students of this subject group are excited about the new tree route projects that are currently in development.

“All the routes are developed by the School of Biological Sciences. The 'big' idea is that there should be three routes, one on each campus and these routes are 2 km long. The Potchefstroom Campus and Mahikeng Campus tree routes has already been developed. The former has about 90 trees on the route and the latter about 30. A third route, the Vanderbijlpark Campus tree route must still be developed.

Then we further developed two more routes on the NWU Potchefstroom campus. One is the Champion Tree Route and the other is the NWU Botanical Garden Tree Route. The former is 5 km long and takes you to the 10 largest trees on campus and was developed by Botany 2nd year students. The Botanical Garden Tree Route is about 1km long and you have the opportunity to visit more than 100 trees during your visit to this Garden.”

NWU Acacia Tree Statue
Making the Acacia Tree Statue the starting point of the Campus Tree Route creates a good focus point for the tree route and raises the visibility of the statue. Every tree along the route have a tree tag with basic information, such as the name of the tree, and a QR code. More information will be available when you use your smartphone or app to scan the QR code.

Put on your walking shoes and experience the wonders around you.


Stap in die skadu’s van die NWU Boomroetes

“Die ware sin van die lewe, Wesley, is om bome te plant selfs al verwag jy nie om ooit eendag self in hulle skaduwee te sit nie.”
Hierdie aanhaling, toegeskryf aan Nelson Henderson, ʼn pionier van die Swan River-vallei in Kanada, in ʼn gesprek met sy seun, benadruk die belangrikheid van ʼn nalatenskap.
Hierdie gesegde is ook gepas vir die NWU, wat projekte aangepak het om ons natuurlike erfenis te vier deur boomroetes en staproetes te ontwikkel, en deur nuwe bome te plant wat nog geslagte lank sal voortleef.

Roetes skiet wortel

Prof Stefan Siebert van Plantkunde sê die personeel en studente van hierdie vakgroep is opgewonde oor die nuwe boomroeteprojekte wat ontwikkel is.

“Al die roetes word ontwikkel deur die Skool vir Biologiese Wetenskappe. Die ’groot’ idee is dat daar drie roetes moet wees, een op elke kampus en hierdie roetes is 2 km lank. Die Potchkampus Boomroete en die Mahikengkampus Boomroete is alreeds voltooi. Eersgenoemde het so 90 bome op die roete en laasgenoemde so 30. ʼn Derde roete, die Vanderbijlparkkampus Boomroete moet nog ontwikkel word.

Dan het ons op die NWU Potchefstroomkampus nog twee verdere roetes ontwikkel. Een is die Kampioenboomroete en die ander een die NWU Botaniese Tuin Roete. Eersgenoemde is 5 km lank en neem jou na die 10 grootste bome op kampus en was ontwikkel deur Plantkunde 2de jaarstudente. Die Botaniesetuin Roete is omtrent 1 km lank en kronkel deur die tuin waar jy meer as 100 bome kan besigtig.”

Die feit dat die Akasiaboomstandbeeld die beginpunt van die Kampusboomroete is, skep ʼn goeie fokuspunt vir die boomroete en verhoog die sigbaarheid van die standbeeld. Elke boom op die roete is voorsien van ʼn boomplaatjie wat sekere basiese inligting bevat, soos die naam van die boom, en ʼn QR-kode. Meer inligting sal vertoon word wanneer jy jou slimfoon of toepassing gebruik om die QR-kode te skandeer.
Trek aan jou stapskoene en beleef die wonders om jou.


Tsamaya mo meriting ya ditsela tsa Ditlhare tsa NWU.

Bokao jwa mmatota jwa botshelo go ya ka Wesley, ke go jwala ditlhare tse o sa solofeleng go nna mo tlase ga meriti ya tsone."

Nopolo e, e e itsagaleng ka Nelson Henderson, mmulatsela wa kwa Swan River Valley kwa Canada, mo puisanong le morwawe, a gatelela botlhokwa ba go tlogela boswa.

Mafoko a, a tshwanela NWU e e simolotseng diporojeke tsa go keteka ngwao boswa ya rona ya tlholego ka go tlhabolola ditsela tsa ditlhare le metsamao, gape le go jwala ditlhare tse di tla tshelang go fitlhelela dikokomane tse di tlang.

Ditsela di tsaya modi

Moporofesara Stefan Siebert go tswa kwa Thutodimela a re badiri le baithuti ba setlhopha sa setlhogo se, ba itumeletse porojeke e ntšhwa ya tsela ya ditlhare e e tlhabololwang ga jaana.

“Ditsela tsotlhe di tlhabololwa ke Sekolo sa Disaense tsa Sebiolojiki. . Kgopolo e "kgolo" ke gore go nne le ditsela di le tharo, e le nngwe mo kampaseng e nngwe le e nngwe, e bile ditsela tse di boleele ba dikilometara di le 2. Ditsela tse tharo di setse di tlhabolotswe mo Khamphaseng ya Potchefstroom le mo Khamphaseng ya Mahikeng. Ya pele e na le ditlhare di ka nna 90 mo tseleng mme ya bofelo di ka nna 30. Tsela ya boraro, tsela ya ditlhare ya Khamphase ya Vanderbijlpark e santse e tshwanetse go tlhabololwa.

Gape re tsweletse ra oketsa ka go tlhabolola ditsela tse pedi mo Khamphaseng ya Potchefstroom ya NWU. E nngwe ke Tshimega ya Tsela ya Ditlhare mme e nngwe ke Tshingwana ya Dimela ya Tsela ya Ditlhare ya NWU. Ya pele e boleele jwa dikilometara tse 5 e bile e go isa kwa ditlhareng tse 10 tse dikgolo go feta mo khamphaseng mme e tlhabolotswe ke baithuti ba Thutodimela ba ngwaga wa bo 2. Tshingwana ya Dimela ya Tsela ya Ditlhare e boleele ba kilomitara e le 1 e bile e na le tšhono ya go etela ditlhare di feta 100 fa o etetse Tshingwana e."

Sefikantswe sa Setlhare sa Mookana sa NWU

Go dira Sefikantswe sa Setlhare sa Mookana tshimologo ya Tsela ya Ditlhare ya Khamphase go tlhola tlhomo e e molemo ya mogopolo ka ga tsela ya ditlhare le go tsholetsa ponalo ya sefikantswe. Setlhare sengwe le sengwe mo tseleng se na le kitsiso e e nang le tshedimosetso ya motheo, jaaka leina la setlhare, le khoutu ya QR. Tshedimosetso e e oketsegileng e tla bonwa motlhofo fa o dirisa mogala wa letheka wa segompieno kgotsa tiriso go tsaya setshwantsho sa khouto ya QR.

Rwala ditlhako tsa gago tsa go tsamaya mme o itemogele dikgakgamatso tse di go potapotileng.


Tsamaya meriting ya ditsela tsa Sefate sa NWU

“The true meaning of life, Wesley, is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

[“Morero wa sebele wa bophelo, Wesley, ke ho lema difate tseo o sa lebellang ho dula tlasa moriti wa tsona.”]

Mantswe ana a qotsitsweng ke Nelson Henderson, pulamadiboho wa Swan River Valley naheng ya Canada, nakong ya puisano le mora wa hae, e totobatsa bohlokwa ba ho siya lefa.

Polelo ena e loketse NWU e keneng mererong ya ho keteka lefa la rona la tlhaho ka ho hlahisa ditsela tsa difate le metsamao, le ho lema difate tse ntjha tse tla phela melokong e tlang.

Ditsela di ntse di mela

Prof Stefan Siebert wa Botany o re basebetsi le baithuti ba sehlopha sena sa thuto ba thabetse diprojeke tse ntjha tsa ditsela tsa difate tse ntseng d ntlafatswa hajoale.

“Ditsela tsohle di entswe ke Sekolo sa Biological Sciences. Maikutlo a 'maholo' ke hore ho be le ditsela tse tharo, e nngwe khamphaseng kang mme ditsela tsena di bolelele ba dikhilomithara tse 2. Khamphase ya Potchefstroom le ditsela tsa difate tsa Khamphase ya Mahikeng di se di entswe. Ya pele e na le difate tse ka bang 90 tseleng mme ya morao e ka ba 30. Tsela ya boraro, tsela ya sefate sa Khamphase ya Vanderbijlpark e ntse e tlameha ho ntlafatswa.

Yaba re tswela pele ho ntlafatsa ditsela tse ding tse pedi khamphaseng ya NWU ya Potchefstroom. E nngoe ke Tsela ya Sefate sa Champion ha e nngwe ke Tsela ya Sefate sa Difate tsa Serapa ya NWU. Ya pele e bolelele ba dikhilomithara tse 5 mme e o isa difateng tse 10 tse kgolo ka ho fetisisa khampaseng mme e entswe ke baithuti ba selemo sa bobedi sa Botany. Tsela ya Sefate sa Difate tsa Serapa e bolelele ba 1km mme o na le monyetla wa ho etela difate tse fetang 100 nakong ya ketelo ya hao serapeng sena.

Seemahale sa Sefate sa Acacia sa NWU

Ho etsa Seemahale sa Sefate sa Acacia sebaka sa ho qala sa Tsela ya Sefate sa Khamphase ho theha sebaka se setle sa ho tsepamisa maikutlo tseleng ya sefate le ho phahamisa ponahalo ya seemahale. Sefate se seng le se seng se tseleng se na le tag ya sefate e nang le tlhahisoleseding ya mantlha, jwalo ka lebitso la sefate, le khoutu ya QR. Dintlha tse ding di tla fumaneha ha o sebedisa smartphone kapa app ya hao ho hlahloba khoutu ya QR.

Rwala dieta tsa hao tsa ho tsamaya mme o bone dimakatso tse o potolohileng.