News - The Best of Potchpourri

As they say in the famous opera Zauberflӧte: “Ei wie fein!” (Oh how fine). An accurate description of the “Best of Potchpourri” concert, the opening of the NWU School of Music & Conservatory’s concert series for the year. The lively production included both professional and fun performances by the students and lecturers from the NWU School of Music & Conservatory.


On the Tuesday of 20 February 2018, the Conservatory was packed with an audience full of expectation. The first item was a good introduction to the rest of the repertoire: “Fine” by Adam Gwon, a perky Broadway style duet from the stage production “Ordinary Days”. The rest of the evening was filled with a selection of classical music, with a few twists and variations. The humorous slant to many of the items made for an endlessly entertained audience. For example, the piano duet in which the folk tune “O my liewe Marthatjie” was played in the styles of various composers. Or the famous “Magic Flute: Queen of the Night” from Mozart’s Zauberflӧte, sung and dramatized by a comical Florence Foster Jenkins impersonator; Jana Mathee.


The Best of Potchpourri was the first concert at the Conservatory for 2018, and a great indication of performances to come.

Next on the program is a performance by the Swedish choir from the Stockholm Music Academy. They are performing at the Conservatory on the 27th of February.

Tickets Available at the NWU School for Music & Conservatory; as well as,

Written by: Rouxné van der Westhuizen